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Oliver Sauter

Memex - Instantly find websites again - but without organising them.


Memex is evolving, check out its latest version here:

🔍Search, 📝Annotate and ⚡️Organize what you've read online - blazingly fast.

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Oliver Sauter
Hey ProductHunt Crowd, We are the team behind the Memex ( The reasons for building Memex came from our own frustration when organising and recovering websites. (+ to make our long-term vision possible; Today you have to create complicated bookmarking/archiving/notes structures, send links to your own inbox, create lists of links in text files or endlessly scroll through your facebook feed to find "that one" article again. But sometimes its also just that tab you closed 10 minutes ago. That all is super time consuming and at times pretty annoying, because none of these solutions 'really' work. Our brain remembers things we can't search for, like words from the text, the time we visited the page, its domain or the tags we gave it. Or all of these things in combination. So our goal is to make finding content again as effortless as remembering it. We are still in Beta, there are things that need improvements, but the tool is ready to be used without breaking changes to be expected. We are looking forward to welcome you as users of our tool and hope we can decrease your time to recover content by at least 10X. For any suggestions for improvements or bugs, drop by in our community board: Cheers and onwards to infinity :) - Oli
@oliversauter Love a good Vannevar Bush inspired project. Besides being open source (which is huge), how is Memex different from Fetching (
Oliver Sauter
@heliostatic Hey Ben, functionality-wise until now not much difference. Open-Source and that you own your data are the big ones right now, as you already mentioned. We are under active development, which doesn't seem to be the case for Fetching. In the coming weeks we are going to add some really nice features that will set us apart, like comments (still same), annotations, and the ability to create and share links to paragraphs/words of the content, instead of the whole article. Our goal is to make not only finding, but sharing of valuable content effortless. That is why we gradually add more such abilities, like sharing of collections. I think it's worth looking into our vision to understand where we are heading: I hope you enjoy using Memex and let me know, if you ever have more questions. Happy to help! :) Cheers Oli
Oliver Sauter
@heliostatic oh and another one: Memex is free forever, compared to :)
Tucker Wash
@oliversauter Was this a response to @patrickc 's RFS ? 😜
Oliver Sauter
@patrickc @ducktuckgo hehe :) In a way, yes, we built that low-hanging fruit :) We were already building it before his post though. Stumbled over it recently as well and responded to it:
No Safari extension :(
Cool idea! Good luck you guys! 😃
Oliver Sauter
@vladislavkors Thanks a lot Vlad :) I wish you the same for BubbleHunt!
Not having a sync even in the Pro version is a show stopper for me
I hope you have all the motivation and luck to keep up with your vision. I will stay around your app. Simplicity and Longevity is what I wish for! Good Luck!
Oliver Sauter
@nadeburg Thanks for your warm support Nader. I promise we will do the best we can to get there :)
Oliver Sauter
EDIT: Is fixed and Cloudflare installed. ------- Ha, it seems our website got DDoS'd. :) No worries though, your extensions are not impacted by this. Also, you can still reach the downloads here over Producthunt in the Sidebar: Chrome: Firefox: Vision Post: Will update you folks as soon as everything is fixed.
Irfan Arif
In Indonesian lingo, the name of this product means vagina
Oliver Sauter
@vahen Haha, that would be hilarious :) Just looked it up, slightly different, luckily. "MemeK" is vagina.
Gezim Hoxha
Thank you for finally making this. How are you planning to monetize? The free part, I don't like. The issue speaks to me so much. I remember bits and pieces of info and forget about finding stuff.
Oliver Sauter
@happygezim Hey Gezim, thanks for voicing your concerns here. Is as much appreciated as praise. :) What are the parts you don't like on the free Memex, and what would you make better? RE monetization: We are currently running the pre-sale for Memex Cloud, our premium service. It offers users encrypted back-up, searching and indexing from any device, and improved search functionalities, like synonyms-search. More information, you find here: Hope I could help. Cheers Oli
Charlie Smart
Great extension. Thank you!
Oliver Sauter
@charliesmart Thanks Charlie :) Hope it helps you stay productive!
Mike Acler
Website is down :-/
Oliver Sauter
@agilek yeah, we got DDoS'd again :(
Eveline Basset
What is different in memex, beside tagging and comments it is just searching in history, doesnt keep copies of visited pages.
Nadia Javed
Klaus DevAspirer
I loved this extension. I read a interesting article about brain ( Could it be of any use on Memex's improvement? 😃
Gezim Hoxha
It remembers my history while browsing. Works on mobile as well.