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Niv Dror

The Venture Hacks Bible - Startup advice from the founders of AngelList


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Naval and I wrote this years ago but most of the principles still hold. It's a PDF dump of the blog with some minimal formatting. We were trying to level the playing field between entrepreneurs and the investors who routinely out-negotiated them. You should also read the old stuff from Paul Graham, Fred Wilson and Marc Andreessen. Scientia potentia est (Knowledge is power).
Abhi Ballabh
@nivi This single seminal book was enough than lot of bullshit advice & how to dos available dime a dozen. Helped me understand lot of investment topics n close my round. Cheers to @Nivi n team
Benjamin John
@nivi This is awesome! I have a few questions to ask you would it be ok to email you? I'm on - Thanks!
Ben Tossell
Suggested reading: EVERYTHING HERE Life goal is to make sure I read this whole thing.
Niv Dror
Venture Hacks is the single best source of startup knowledge, this eBook puts them all in one place. If you're a founder, reading through these blog posts is a must... Especially How to pick a co-founder, How to make a cap table, The Option Pool Shuffle, and many others.
Kostya Rypta
Just downloaded it
Stan Podolski
ouch! pdf! Beggars can't be choosers of course, but pdf is the worst format for ebook
Nishchit Dhanani
Thank you Guys for sharing it. It'll be so helpful :)