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Lyle McKeany

WTF NASA - What the f%&k has NASA done to make your life awesome?

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Lyle McKeany
I love NASA and think more people should know about the awesome stuff they've helped create over the years. And apparently @jcbmllgn feels the same way. I actually discovered this years ago (maybe even pre-PH) and recently saw it in my Timehop feed.
Ryan Hoover
cc @thetylerhayes because he loves space ✨
Ben Tossell
This is cool! I want a SpaceX one now 😬
Jacob Mulligan
Thanks for sharing @lylemckeany! 🚀
Geremias Gomez
como trabajr en la nasa?? y como llegar a ser astronauta?
Angelica Mata
This is the best!!!!