App Development for Non-Technical Founders
What do you think about App Development for Non-Technical Founders?
What do people think of App Development for Non-Technical Founders?
The community submitted 20 reviews to tell us what they like about App Development for Non-Technical Founders, what App Development for Non-Technical Founders can do better, and more.
I felt this ebook is a good intro but not the "ultimate guide". Enjoyed reading it but we're just scratching the surface. With a little more depth, it'll be way better.
+ improving the quality of pictures
Customers aren't going to fall head-over-heels over an inspiring mission statement or company goals. These are valuable, but not mission critical.
I loved the book. I think is simple but full of good information on how to build a dev company, I like specially the idea of breaking the traditional software shop paradigm of just getting job for hire and not gibing a s### about customers ideas, and instead it shows how by getting the entire team involved in the idea, even if it is an idea you don't like lead to better decisions and overall better products.
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