

100% open source alternative for Firebase
74 reviews6 shoutouts

Maker Shoutouts

Testimonials from top launches

Sugar Free: Food Scanner
Garen Orchyan
used this to buildSugar Free: Food ScannerSugar Free: Food Scanner
(2,427 points)
We use Figma for prototyping our design layouts due to its collaborative environment and seamless integration with our iOS app development workflows.
Ebenezer Don
used this to buildNextJobNextJob
(264 points)
Open Source, Fast, Generous plans, reliable.
Soumyaranjan panda
used this to buildnoteXnoteX
(143 points)
I used appwrite for Backend as a Service
Wise Buys
Martin Heckeroth
used this to buildWise BuysWise Buys
(89 points)
Big shoutout to Appwrite for making backend development a breeze! 🚀 With its seamless integration and easy-to-use SDKs, setting up authentication, database, and storage has never been simpler. Perfect for developers who want a powerful backend without the complexity
Raj Savaliya
used this to buildAyeHighAyeHigh
(96 points)
Fully able to focus on Business logic without spending time on Developing Backend, Auth, Storage and all stuff from scratch. Saved a lot of time and ship faster.
Radion - Video Games
Dimitri Dessus
used this to buildRadion - Video Games
(67 points)
Choosing Appwrite for developing Radion was an excellent decision. It enabled me to create a robust solution for data storage, authentication, and other server logic.
used this to buildRubiumRubium
(53 points)
Rubium has it's back-end fully powered by Appwrite Cloud, we always trusted the team and their awesome services thanks to the great documentation, ease of use and security compliance.