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The world's fastest and only offline virtual assistant.
•3 reviews•

What is Bestee?

Unlike other virtual assistants, she uses complex machine learning algorithms to compute directly on your Android device - meaning she works offline. Saving your data and protecting your privacy. Bestee is completely free and has NO ads. Install now and meet your new best friend!

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Bestee - The world's fastest and only offline virtual assistant

Hey Product Hunt, meet Bestee. She completely out-performs other virtual assistants. While they take a few seconds to respond, she is literally instant. What is more - unlike other virtual assistants - she works offline; saving you money and protecting your privacy. She's always there for you, wherever you go.

However, Bestee is more than just a virtual assistant; she's your best friend. Text or speak to her as if she's a human and she'll talk right back. She'll ask about you day, write to your journal, remind you of things and even brighten your day with supportive messages and cheesy jokes. The experience is like using a messaging app to chat with your best friend.

Bestee is intelligent. She can do all the usual virtual assistant things, and more - like changing her accent or sending WhatsApp messages. She's emotionally aware; she adjusts her level of formality according to yours. She's discreet; she only speaks aloud when spoken to, else she responds via text. And her artificial intelligence network learns and grows as more people interact with her. However, she poses no existential threat - I promise.

Apart from increasing your productivity, she's a fun and interactive way to learn English for free. What's more; she doesn't take up much space, being less than 3MB to download (about the size of a photo). Bestee is far from finished, but by using her you'll help me - a kid from South Africa - to bring her to life.

Bestee is completely free and has NO ads.

Install now and meet your new best friend

**This is the second appearance of Bestee on Product Hunt - she is now ready to launch!

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5/5 based on 3 reviews


Kevin Talley
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•2 reviews

A virtual assistant with a sense of empathy! She learns more stuff and expands her vocabulary the more the two of us chat and solve life's problems and get things done together.

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