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Cryptocurrency exchange + ICO services
29 reviews


COBINHOOD helps you maximize returns on your cryptocurrency investment. 0% trading fees without any conditions. Join COBINHOOD and sign up now!

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4.45/5 based on 29 reviews
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David Quiñones
1 review

I've been using it for more than a week and I can already say that this is going to be a major player in the exchange market. Good UI and UX, no fees, they are going to be adding monthly new tokens to the exchange.

Maybe it's a bit slow in order to verify account, but I guess it's because registrations are surging right now! 🚀

PS: If you see weird prices in BTC or ETC against USD is because basically there is no volume there 😅 In order to deposit fiat currency you need to be level 3 account and not a lot of people has been able to do it due to the speed of the process.

Marek Sotak
4 reviews
Nageswara Rao
1 review

Scalability is always challenge as we see slow some times, verification of identity has to improve.

Coins & Tokens
1 review

It has the potential to be an industry leader; Before qtr 1 2018 ends, CobX will surely grow massively

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