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New ways to craft your life
102 reviews3 shoutouts

Maker Shoutouts

Testimonials from top launches

Tool Finder - Find Productivity Tools
Francesco D'Alessio
Craft was our base for knowledge. Everything from ideas to the meeting agendas was created in there. Helping us keep on top of the trends & workload.
PackPack AI
Owen Chen
used this to buildPackPackPackPack AI
(343 points)
Managing Your Entire Company’s Documents with Craft
PackPack AI
Owen Chen
used this to buildPackPack.AIPackPack AI
(569 points)
A smooth note-taking tool with collaborative features, an excellent AI assistant, and the ability to quickly create beautiful landing pages.
Spellar AI
Artem Konovalov 💎
used this to buildSpellar ProSpellar AI
(464 points)
We built incredibly smooth integration with Craft and received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the community. It's great to have users like these ❤️
used this to buildDroppable
(93 points)
Craft has been another inspiration. We used it to brainstorm from day 1 and collaborate on content