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DeckRobot for PowerPoint

Make your slides shine with one click ✨
57 reviews

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What do people think of DeckRobot for PowerPoint?

The community submitted 57 reviews to tell us what they like about DeckRobot for PowerPoint, what DeckRobot for PowerPoint can do better, and more.

4.5/5All time (57 reviews)
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Tony Urban
3 reviews
Changed the way I do presentations
فيصل بن محمد
10 reviews
Almalki Faisal может быть именем человека. Если это так, то предложение может означать, что речь идёт об Алмалки Фейсале — конкретном человеке с определёнными характеристиками или достижениями. Без дополнительной информации невозможно точно определить, что означает это предложение. Пожалуйста, предоставьте больше контекста, чтобы я мог помочь вам.
May Phu Lwin
1 review
I think this app may be appropriate for me.
Dr. Srinivasa Rao Kosiganti
6 reviews
NM gaming
1 review
stepan ilyin
3 reviews

I was lucky to be among the first ones who had an access to the demo.

Keith Pieper
6 reviews

Somewhat manual and cumbersome to get going. The firm did not respond to my interest and I presume the hamsters behind the scenes missed my demo submission as I never received a reply.

Alexander Kalinnikov
7 reviews
Richard Sultanov
3 reviews

Great product! Let's hope this will become the norm and will allow people to focus on content and ideas, rather than spend time on producing slides.

Richard Sultanov
3 reviews

This product has huge potential, especially potential to change the professional services industry.

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