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First steps: GoGlobal Playbook

First steps: GoGlobal Playbook

Global Expansion Secrets: Insights from 48 Founders
18 reviews

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What do people think of First steps: GoGlobal Playbook?

The community submitted 18 reviews to tell us what they like about First steps: GoGlobal Playbook, what First steps: GoGlobal Playbook can do better, and more.

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Dmitry Chetverov
1 review
Happy to see Anthony has created a book with summary of his vast experience in building global businesses
Polina Lozbina
1 review
Thank you for such an amazing and comprehensive material! Truly inspiring stories of top brands and plenty of useful insights on growth marketing. A must-read!
Antony Minkowski
Thank you Polina, There are indeed plenty of practical and useful materials
Kirill Sirenko
2 reviews
Good book to understand better the process of entering a new market, interesting insights from business owners, I was satisfied with the read
Antony Minkowski
Thank you Kirill, i hope so
Илья Кинъёку
1 review
Основательная и объемная работа, систематизировать 48 интервью!
Antony Minkowski
Спасибо Илья, интересно сколько комментариев будет на русском :)
Renat Anpilogov
1 review
This great book was written by tears and pain of startup fouders who decided go global, and gathered by the author
Kristina Maksutova
1 review
Oh, It is amazing book! I am sure it will help me a lot in my work this year and all my key metrics will grow up! I liked a lot check-lists and business advice.
Antony Minkowski
Thank you Kristina, I hope so too
Станислав Косарев
1 review
Очень круто и супер-полезно всем кто собрался GoGlobal👍
Antony Minkowski
Thank you Stanislav
Alexander Vasiljev
1 review
I’m always following Anton’s work with great interest. I’m reading the Playbook right now!
Antony Minkowski
Thank you Alexander, hope I will finish soon the Playbook and everyone will be able to read it
Sergey Levadniy
1 review
Отличная книга. Уверен, она сможет помочь многим предпринимателям и стартаперам
Greg Eidinov
1 review
Good tools, excellent selection of interviews. Plenty of practical cases for entering a new market.