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FSNotes 5 for iOS

FSNotes 5 for iOS

Notes manager to make your life easier
1 review

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What do people think of FSNotes 5 for iOS?

The community submitted 1 review to tell us what they like about FSNotes 5 for iOS, what FSNotes 5 for iOS can do better, and more.

5/5All time (1 review)
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David McDougal
1 review
I LOVE the fill direct markdown output, so ZERO lockin to it if you want to leave. I also love that it uses iCloud to sync along with gist intergrations. I set a symlink from the iCloud folder to my dropbox so nothing is ever gonna get lost. I had an issue with notes from Apple where I lost a few things. I have been using SimpleNotes, StandardNotes and Evernnote but they all are either too simplistic and way to bloated (looking at you evernote).

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