What is Fundamental Analysis?
Want to trade like Buffet? Now you can with the Fundamentals tool. It is like a better version of Yahoo finance that teaches you what the metrics should be and easily allows you to sort and filter through thousands of stocks to find the best ones.
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Recent Fundamental Analysis Launches

Fundamental Analysis by StockAlgos We help find stonks that are diamonds in the rough
Launched on April 11th, 2023
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Fundamental Analysis by StockAlgos - We help find stonks that are diamonds in the rough
Want to trade like Buffet? Now you can with the Fundamentals tool. It is like a better version of Yahoo finance that teaches you what the metrics should be and easily allows you to sort and filter through thousands of stocks to find the best ones.
Fundamental Analysis Alternatives

Genuine Impact
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5/5 based on 7 reviews
•3 reviews
I’ve been using this tool for a few months and I’m very happy with it. It helps me analyze the financial performance and health of any company in minutes. It’s easy to use, accurate and reliable. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to invest smarter.
•3 reviews
This tool is amazing! It saves me so much time and effort in researching stocks. It gives me all the information I need to make informed decisions. It’s very user-friendly, intuitive and fast. It’s the best tool I’ve ever used for stock analysis.
•3 reviews
Congrats on the launch! I’ve been following your progress for a while and I’m excited to try it out. What are some of the challenges you faced while building this?
•2 reviews
Dannng this is a game-changer for me. It allows me to access and compare the key metrics and ratios of any company in seconds. It’s very comprehensive. Well done!
•3 reviews
The sorting and filtering features make it easy to understand and analyze a company's financial metrics, giving me a better understanding of the market.