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•170 reviews•
2018 Golden Kitty Awards

What do you think about fyi?

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What do people think of fyi?

The community submitted 170 reviews to tell us what they like about fyi, what fyi can do better, and more.

4.1/5All time (170 reviews)
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•15 reviews
Dead. What else do you want me to say?
Jay Phelps
•3 reviews
The FYI app seems like a useful tool for organizing and streamlining information, but I would have to use it myself to give a more informed opinion.
Shlomo Genchin
•1 review
Awesome resources :) Thanks a ton!
Viacheslav  Polinovskyi
•15 reviews
thanks for the useful collection
Jared R
•150 reviews
Alex Ng
•4 reviews
Brendan Weinstein
•18 reviews

LOVE FYI and the Team is awesome!

John Vonroth
•24 reviews

This is an interesting take on knowledge gathering and how best to use the latter. Traditionally, the approach has been either to use search(i.e. Google or Algolia) or the use of collections(so many on PH e.g. Startup Stash with their 18K upvotes). UseFYI is an ingenious hybrid: it uses both. The genius of this Marketing Resources List is that is naturally promotes the underlying service by showing what can be done with it and how powerful it is. So, great product in and of itself and brownie points for the innovative promotion!

Justin Jackson
•76 reviews

This is the most comprehensive collection of marketing resources I've ever seen.

Ben Fisher
•4 reviews

Been a beta user for several weeks. It's great.


UPDATE: Turns out they've already addressed one of my "cons" (lack of tags)!

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