Maker Shoutouts
Testimonials from top launches

Github is terrific for collaboration and integrates well with Azure.

Solver is built on GitHub. Keep an eye out for PRs that say "Created with Solver"!

GitHub is the foundation of GitHubTree, providing the repositories that our tool visualizes. Its robust API and widespread adoption made it the ideal platform for our project's integration.

The home of developers, with the best version control, seamless collaboration, and automation that actually saves you time.

We use GitHub to host our code and manage version control because it centralizes collaboration and streamlines our development process

Houses our entire codebase and manages all version control changes

We use GitHub to host our code and manage version control because it centralizes collaboration and streamlines our development proces

“GitHub streamlined our development workflow, providing robust version control and seamless collaboration across our team.

We hosted our code on GitHub, which allowed for well-documented and trusted code source control.

Couldn't live without version control of course!

Our community edition is open with 34k+ stars and 600+ contirbutors, helping us build in public with our community.

Wouldn't leave home with it!

We use GitHub for version control. It makes collaboration, version control, and deployment easy.

Integrated in NerdyNotes to manage notes.

GitHub makes version control and collaboration much easier for our team.

Creating an app on their marketplace to help create a seamless integration with any company.