What do you think about GrowSurf?
What do people think of GrowSurf?
The community submitted 15 reviews to tell us what they like about GrowSurf, what GrowSurf can do better, and more.
I have been working with a ton of different referral programs for the past year and Growsurf takes pretty much all the development work out of setting up a seemingly integrated referral program.
I was set up in less than 12 hours, and that includes making user journeys and finishing design and copy of the landing pages.
Most of what I have been building myself over tons, and tons of iterations are available within the platform, and its very easy to use.
I will continue to push for more features, specifically towards ongoing referral programs, as this seems to be missing in the platform as of now. Also, translation files set up with a platform like Crowdin or an open translation community would be greatly appreciated.
To summarise:
hats off to you guys, for building what I think is a very unique product.
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