What is Help Ukraine?
We created a website with detailed instructions on how people from outside Ukraine can help stop the war. I’ll be thankful if you’ll share it. Thanks!
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4.11/5 based on 9 reviews
•9 reviews
Very useful thing! All links are in one place. Thanks for such an important job!
•1 review
I support Ukraine and oppose the Russian invasion, but when I read that the website wants its' readers to "Ask online services to restrict Russian users", i.e. ban innocent people who, like me, oppose this horrible war, it is clear that the website owners are just racists who want to make the lives of innocents in Russia worse just because they were unfortunate enough to be born there. Lots of Russians are the victims of Putin's regime, just like Ukrainians. Harming said innocents who wish you no harm only creates more enemies for you. Remove that racist suggestion from your "Help from abroad" page, otherwise it makes you no different from Putin. He bombs innocents, you ban innocents.