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Is There Uber In?

Is There Uber In?

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The community submitted 5 reviews to tell us what they like about Is There Uber In?, what Is There Uber In? can do better, and more.

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Danielle Johnson
18 reviews

I travel a lot and it's time consuming to find out if Uber or any alternative ride share options are available. I've already used this to discover there's Uber in La Paz, Bolivia which is very surprising!

Tierney Cyren
14 reviews

I travel a lot, and one of the biggest pains is discovering that a city doesn’t have rideshare services once I’m already there. Austin was a great example of this - the city banned Uber/Lyft for years, but as a traveler I had no way of knowing that. This tool is tremendously useful when I’m going to a new city and need to plan how I’m getting around.

Fernando Arrieta
6 reviews

Be careful, don't always trust UBER website. One example, Uber has suspended service in Cancun, MX a few months ago and I don't think it's coming back anytime soon, but your website says there's UBER in Cancun.

PS. I wish they've never stopped giving service there, taxis are unsafe, dirty and freaking expensive, lol.

Eleanor Haproff
7 reviews
Delphine Okpomo
2 reviews