What is LearnHouse?
LearnHouse enables you to start World-class Online Universities, Trainings, Bootcamps, Courses in any format you'd want and with LearnHouse AI, students can ask specific questions about your courses and they get replies based on the actual course.
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LearnHouse (Alpha) - Build world-class courses with ease and style
LearnHouse enables you to start World-class Online Universities, Trainings, Academies, Courses in any format you'd want and with LearnHouse AI, students can ask specific questions about your courses and they get replies based on the actual course.
LearnHouse Assignments - The simplest way to evaluate your students
LearnHouse Assignments simplifies student evaluations with quizzes, file submissions, hints, multiple tasks, and reference uploads. Teachers can grade in percentage, numeric, or alphabetic formats, offering flexible, easy-to-use tools for seamless assessments.
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5/5 based on 3 reviews
•1 review
Sensacional a plataforma, os recursos e facilidade de acesso! Deixou o Moodle para trás.
Já estou ansioso pelo que vi no roadmap.
Parabéns pessoal!
•1 review
Really great platform that allows for lots of customisation and very accessible!
•1 review
It made it incredibly simple for me to make an LMS for my business... AND then another one for my kids.