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Dead simple, drag and drop personal websites
44 reviews

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The community submitted 44 reviews to tell us what they like about , what can do better, and more.

4.8/5All time (44 reviews)
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Abhimanyu Ghoshal
6 reviews
Finally, a way to break free from traditional design methods and build whimsical, unique pages for creative projects. I'm currently using this for a podcast site that *needs* to look and feel different — while also being easy enough for me to put together solo.
C. Yoga
3 reviews provides us a revolutionary way of how our personal pahe should look and feel in this mobile friendly era
2 reviews
I love this! its absolutely amazing. Its hits the nail on the head for delight and charm. I have already recommended it to some of my non technical friends! the sounds omg ❤️ I want to subscribe to support the developers but I can't say that I love the plans. The plans are focused around the limiting hosting and I feel like someone(me) who might create enough pages to justify the highest plan doesn't want to be locked into the hosting of the platform.
4 reviews is such a breath of fresh air in times when so many websites and website builders use the same building blocks and all the sites end up looking the same… It appears deceptively simple but a lot can be done with it. I especially like the humorous approach to the responsiveness - there are 2 lines that mark what will be “cut off” on mobile screens…. problem solved :-) The sounds are also a nice touch.
Juan Fernandez
1 review
This is revolutionary for non-technical people to make real websites. In my experience showing this off in person to people on my phone: Kids love it. Artists love it. Busy people love it.
Reese De Luca
10 reviews
Such an interesting way to design a website and I love how freeform it is!
3 reviews
It's super fun and really slickly designed
Anton Karpov
1 review
Cool idea, works really great. Need to be tested on real project
41 reviews
Very good idea!
Alex Greene
15 reviews

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