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Myriad Social

Myriad Social

A free-speech social network you can host yourself
1 review

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What do people think of Myriad Social?

The community submitted 1 review to tell us what they like about Myriad Social, what Myriad Social can do better, and more.

5/5All time (1 review)
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Patryk Pijanowski
97 reviews
An interesting alternative to Notion or Discord - I need to check them out more thoroughly at my leisure. But at first glance it looks very interesting.
Danny Myriad CEO
Thank you for your review. We're actually planning to add more multimedia/real-time features in the future. It won't be immediate, but this is something that's in our backlog. One thing that differentiates us from, say, Discord, is that soon you'll be able to run your own instance of Myriad at home, for your own community, without any ties to the governance of the main instance (in short: 100% yours).