I used this for a few months and it did not work well for me. I bought a subscription based on the promise of reliable, hormone-free contraception and discovered that it’s not a suitable method for most modern women. Unless you sleep the same amount of hours at the same time every day, rarely get sick or hungover, don’t travel much, have undisturbed sleep AND remember to take your temperature every single morning before you move an inch, I wouldn’t reccomend using this method of birth control.
I discovered that my temperature fluctuates a lot so I ended up with around 3 green days a month because the app just couldn’t get to know me. I know women who got pregnant using this app, and whether it was user error or not, it’s a big risk to take.
As much as I want to say it’s a hormone-free, pain-free solution to birth control (which would be amazing), I think it’s got some major flaws. It is pretty good as a premium tracker though, and I think it can be really useful for trying to get pregnant too.
These are genuinely dangerous products to be promoting. The product hunt description (98% effective) doesn't even align with what is on the website (93%). These sorts of interventions are heavily heavily prone to error, and should not be considered as a replacement from more understood and reliable forms of contraception.