What is OpenSign™?
Seal the Deal, Openly. Welcome to OpenSign™ Your ultimate open source PDF E-Signature Solution. Transform the Way You Sign, Store, and Secure Your Documents. All in One Place - All for Free.
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OpenSign™: Open Source DocuSign & more Enterprise-Level Document Signing Goes Open-Source
Launched on October 26th, 2023
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4/5 based on 3 reviews
•1 review
I work as a freelancer, and one of my clients uses this tool for digitally signing all agreements between us. I decided to give it a try as well, and what I like most is how affordable it is while offering a wide range of useful features. you try it Most of the features are included in their free plan.
•1 review
The best digital signing solution, with a simple user interface that I really like. It also offers a self-hosting feature that other alternative tools don't provide.
•1 review
It’s the best alternative to DocuSign because DocuSign's plans are costly as compare to OpenSign