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The one-click portfolio builder for developers.
17 reviews

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What do people think of Portfolly?

The community submitted 17 reviews to tell us what they like about Portfolly, what Portfolly can do better, and more.

4.9/5All time (17 reviews)
Recently (1 review)
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Hamza Bargaz
1 review
An amazing app that converts your GitHub profile into a well-designed portfolio website in less than a minute. Simple and impressive
1 review
Nice tool but you can add more features than just integrating the github
Mohammed Safi
1 review
I love how easy Portfolly is to use, it makes building your portfolio easier!!!
omar Ouhra
Thank you @mohammed_safi2 for your review 👍
Ismail Fathi
1 review
This product makes it hassle-free for any dev to get his portfolio up and running with literally a few clicks and in no more than 5 minutes 🚀🚀
Siham Bendaia
1 review
Great Product, easy to use and straight forward, design is neat.
omar Ouhra
Thank you @siham_bendaia1 for your review 👍
Achraf Riahi
2 reviews
Great Product, I like how easy Portfolly is to use
omar Ouhra
Thank you Achraf for the review 👍
Mohamed Taha Boutayeb
1 review
Loved the product
omar Ouhra
Thank you @mohamed_taha_boutayeb for your review 👍
Marouane Fawzi
1 review
Great product
omar Ouhra
Thank you @marone for your review 👍
Abdullateef Lawal
1 review
It's super brilliant and easy to use.
Sara Idouch
1 review
Very interesting product
omar Ouhra
Thank you Sara for the feedback 👍

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