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10 reviews

What is RivalSense?

RivalSense monitors companies and creates a weekly AI-curated email on the most important things that have happened to the companies you are interested in. It can be used to monitor: 1️⃣ competitors 2️⃣ key accounts 3️⃣ your own company

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5/5 based on 10 reviews
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Frank Sondors
11 reviews
Used the product and it's super powerful in those categories where you have a ton of competition and you just can't simply track stuff effectively.
1 review
Great tool for monitoring companies and competitors, digs up all the details you would miss and never see from Google Alerts
Olga Petrova
1 review
Used the trial and totally loved it. Got useful information which I would definitely have missed without it
Andris K. Berzins
1 review
Excellent tool to track detailed and hard to find changes at companies, including competitors!
Nikita Pusnakovs
1 review
Incredible tool that makes tracking a set of companies easy.
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