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•3 reviews•

What is should-i-cli?

should-i-cli came about when I was sitting in math class and wondering if I should ride my bike to work that day. Not really wanting to work on math, I decided to create a silly little CLI app that would answer any and all "yes" or "no" questions I had.

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Banban board
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Review should-i-cli?

1/5 based on 3 reviews


Aymon Fournier
•1 review

You could write this app in like two lines of code... Why put so much polish around something so dumb? A website, a node package? These screenshots? Sorry this is just silly. Good practice for building the site and creating a package and writing a command line app I guess, but um yeah, pretty useless app.

Pedro Vieira
•4 reviews
Alex Popescu
•17 reviews
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