What is SkyHive.io BETA?
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SkyHive.io BETA - Find the right job or talent based on skills 🙌🏼
SkyHive is the first platform to apply a skills-based, as opposed to job-based, match of work opportunities. Powered by machine learning, SkyHive brings unparalleled efficiency to the job and talent search, providing an incredible amount of simplicity while ensuring higher quality matches for both job seekers and employers
Skyhive - Competency-based human capital technology
Built to maximize people potential and empower companies to thrive in the future of work, SkyHive is an AI technology that revolutionizes the way a company understands the capabilities of its employees while drastically compressing the time and effort required to recruit, retain and develop its workforce.
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It makes so much sense to match candidates to jobs based on the skills required to excel at the job, not some qualitative polished resume.
So excited to see how it is going to impact the labor market globally in the future