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Write letters and make friends
12 reviews

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What do people think of SLOWLY?

The community submitted 12 reviews to tell us what they like about SLOWLY, what SLOWLY can do better, and more.

4.7/5All time (12 reviews)
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Hassaan Maqsood
1 review
Nice for taking a step back from fast pace just slowly.
Andrea Strout
1 review
Anna Filou
97 reviews

I love Slowly, been obsessed with it for the past couple of weeks since I discovered it in the Play Store. A great experience overall but here are my issues:

(1) even though most users seem to be eager to have a deeper conversation, some of them just type "hey, do you wanna be friends?" which is pretty annoying. The app even warns the user if they try to send a very short letter but I think that maybe it should not be allowed at all.

(2) there's an option in auto-match to only message users that have been online in the past few days. That's great for the ones sending the letters but I get so many letters per day that I get overwhelmed and can't reply to all of them the way I should. For that reason I turned auto-match off but that's not ideal because I like it. I wish there was a way to set an auto-match acceptance limit, like "1 per day" and same for letters from people you haven't written with yet.

(3) very small selection of avatars. I keep confusing some of my penpals for each other because they have the same avatar and write similarly/come from the same country. I think it wouldn't be an issue if there were more avatars to choose from (I love the fact you cannot use a photo though)

(4) I wish I could preview exactly what my profile looks like to others. Small thing but still :)

I can't think of anything else at the moment.

Let me repeat that I LOVE THIS APP, I just think it could be even better ⭐

Kevin Wong
2 reviews
Dan Zhao
3 reviews
Maksim Gorodov
14 reviews
Johnson Wang
2 reviews
Vidal Valera
1 review
Prateek Patidar
1 review

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