What is SmilePostcards?
When was the last time you sent a postcard to your mum or one of your friends? With SmilePostcard you can send a physical postcard, anywhere in the world, in 30 seconds (no sign up required). Take a photo, enter your message and the recipient's address, pay.
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Recent SmilePostcards Launches

SmilePostcards Send a personalized postcard anywhere in the world for $0.99
Launched on July 5th, 2019
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SmilePostcards - Send a personalized postcard anywhere in the world for $0.99
When was the last time you sent a postcard to your mum or one of your friends? With SmilePostcard you can send a physical postcard, anywhere in the world, in 30 seconds (no sign up required). Take a photo, enter your message and the recipient's address, pay.
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