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Soundbrenner Core

The 4-in-1 smart music tool
10 reviews
1 follower

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What do people think of Soundbrenner Core?

The community submitted 10 reviews to tell us what they like about Soundbrenner Core, what Soundbrenner Core can do better, and more.

4.6/5All time (10 reviews)
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Mehdi Izemmour
6 reviews
Neil Bettencourt
1 review

Twice now when updating IOS my song lists, and setlists have been wiped from my device forcing a complete, and manual do over of all songs and setlists. This is a painful time consuming process. Soundbrenner claims they have been working on a ways to save songlists, and setlists to the cloud for a long time, but this change has yet to be upgraded. I have to advise against using the product until this feature is implemented. Hoping it’s soon!

Freyja Chen
3 reviews
Jens H Nielsen
1 review
Egor Gordeev
1 review
Bashar Aboudaoud
1 review
Frédéric Potin
1 review
Jeremy Calvin
1 review
Jassim Alfonso
1 review

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