What do you think about The Q?
What do people think of The Q?
The community submitted 32 reviews to tell us what they like about The Q, what The Q can do better, and more.
Long time player of the q and super in love with this sdk
They will ignore your cashout requests and all attempts at contact until they eventually say you were "banned for breaking their TOS." I was told that and my account wasn't even banned. It's their canned reply to someone asking about their money. There are tons of reports of it all over the Internet. Avoid this game unless you want to play trivia for nothing.
They will ignore your cashout requests and all attempts at contact until they eventually say you were "banned for breaking their TOS." I was told that and my account wasn't even banned. It's their canned reply to someone asking about their money. There are tons of reports of it all over the Internet. Avoid this game unless you want to play trivia for nothing.
Ask yourself seriously if you want to work with a company that is as deeply untrustworthy as this one. In their existing app, once you fight the tiny prizes to actually reach their cashout minimum they will just shadowban you, not pay, and ignore all your support requests. You will not get any effective engagement from this company as they have a complete and utter disregard for their actual users.
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