What do you think about tona?
What do people think of tona?
The community submitted 20 reviews to tell us what they like about tona, what tona can do better, and more.
I love being able to pre-plan workouts on the web version when I get a spare five minutes at work!
Love it is now both Apple and Android friendly for my work phone.
I've really enjoyed using Tona for my strength workouts. I've tried a handful of strength apps that have never quite been what I needed, Tona has been the first app I've really felt suited my needs and I've been happy to use.
I Would recommend to anyone who is interested in fitness and wants a platform to track and improve their workouts.
It’s great being able to see what my friends are up to and being able to repeat their workouts. Product looks great too, very slick!
Great network to motivate you and your friends to workout more or more often. Easy to use, includes a huge list of exercises and workouts, and I can follow my stats over time.
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