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Walkie-talkie re-invented
17 reviews

What is Tribe?

As some of you may have noticed, Tribe shifted from asynchronous to synchronous messaging 2 months ago using fully in-house technology. Since then, the team has been heads down polishing this first prototype. We quickly realized that there are many pain points people experience every day when video calling others, especially from Skype and Hangouts. Ask anyone, people are not fully satisfied with these old (but legendary) products. Whether it’s kids at school, spread out families, or teammates at work, they all agree that they use these services by default. Here are the results of our experiments to improve the video calling experience. It’s available now on your mobile devices (iOS & Android), as well as from your desktops (Chrome & Firefox) where you can start a group video call in one click, without any account, for free.

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Recent Tribe Launches

Tribe 2.0 Introducing Augmented Messaging™

Launched on October 12th, 2016

Tribe 2.0 was ranked #1 of the month for October 2016
Tribe 2.0 was ranked #1 of the week for October 12th, 2016
Tribe 2.0 was ranked #1 of the day for October 12th, 2016
Tribe 1.0 Walkie-talkie re-invented

Launched on December 3rd, 2015

Tribe 1.0 was ranked #2 of the month for December 2015
Tribe 1.0 was ranked #1 of the week for December 3rd, 2015
Tribe 1.0 was ranked #1 of the day for December 3rd, 2015

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3/5 based on 17 reviews
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Adam Dobay
1 review
Buyer beware! This product no longer exists. The webpage linked on this page has probably been bought by someone else who pretends to be for the Tribe product, but scroll down enough and you'll start seeing some very weird copy and injected spam ads. Clicking the app store links redirects to a fake messenger app. Avoid avoid!
Alexandre Mouriec
20 reviews
The V1 was already great but the new one is so beautiful. The new features show the Tribe Team worked really hard to improve the experience. Congrats @cyrilpaglino @ldesserrey . The UI and UX are 🔥. Also the User Onboarding is one of the best I tried. 👏 Now I just need to invite more friends on it to use Tribe more :)
Some Guy
1 review
I found the signup process very frictionless, which is always welcome and key for social networking apps especially. Upon signup however, it showed that I had only one friend on the platform, @rrhoover, and I'd rather not bombard him with Tribe messages all day :P There's always the chicken and egg ghost town issue with two sided networks like this, has your team considered some sort of "single player" functionality to keep users around? Maybe the ability to receive messages from some "Tribe Celebrity" type users, or even allow them to send messages to those who don't have Tribe by sending an SMS or fb message with something like "your friend ____ just sent you a tribe message, click here to see it". Just some thoughts.
Morgan Beller
3 reviews
Also been on Tribe since the summer (thanks @8artd for the heads up). At first I thought "really, another messaging app?" (Not trying to be a hater) But then I tried it out and it really is different. It's hard to put your finger on it but once you try the experience - you'll see. The design, the experience, the "fun." I also think @cyrilpaglino is a huge part of the X factor. He's continued to impress me with his product vision, design acumen, and true hustle (not to overuse the buzzwords). He picked up from Paris, got a hacker house in SF, and has a wall full of post-it's for the roadmap. (@jtriest can testify) Can't wait to see what this team builds next - "see" you all on Tribe!
Bart Dessaint
1 review
Been using since beta this summer, a few observations: *single tap carves out 'selfie videos messages' from an iMessage or @Snapchat, which require 3-N taps + has the distraction of content improvement/review *asynchronicity makes for a lower pressure FaceTime or a (video) voicemail, you'll actually listen to... *private groups allow for multiple sub-networks and proper, intimate 'roasting' of friends :-) TBT to Nextel, 'beep beep' HT to makers @cyrilpaglino @ldesserrey @nicolasbradier @ctcrecords and my Tribe contacts @beller @eronzano @pascalmercier @2lr @zalzally @gentlemanbasil @benrbn @rrhoover for tolerating my mug!
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