What is TripIt?
As soon as you book a flight, hotel, car or other reservation, simply forward it to plans@tripit.com and we’ll instantly add it to your master itinerary. We make it easy to sync travel plans to your calendar or share them with anyone you choose.
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Tripit Carbon Footprint - Your carbon footprint at your fingertips
TripIt shows your flight’s carbon emissions and provides practical ideas on how to reduce or offset its environmental impact. TripIt automatically aggregates flight emissions across providers, giving you a holistic view of your air travel footprint.
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4.5/5 based on 3 reviews
•3 reviews
IT was great at the beginning - it's progressively becoming less valuable.
•14 reviews
Overall this is the best tool I've found for keeping track of your final travel plans. Any booking emails you get, just forward them to Tripit and it's processed and added to the plan almost instantly. You can also set up alternate emails if you have different addresses or multiple planners. iCal integration is really nice. Can be frustrating in a few ways: no calendar view for planning before you book, you can't attach a PDF receipt to your plans, the UI is old and awkward (but the mobile app is a bit better). However overall it does the basics better than anyone else so it's what I use every time.