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Instant feedback. Instantly better products.
23 reviews

What is Upvoty?

With Upvoty you can make feedback boards for your users. Your users are able to submit new feature requests and are able to upvote on requests from other users. This way, you as the product owner, are always on top of which feature to build next.

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3.72/5 based on 23 reviews
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2 reviews
I really like how this is focused down to just SaaS projects run by a single technical founder. It has a much higher signal to noise ratio for me than IH or other sites with similar sorts of product directories.
Rui Tiago
6 reviews
We've been using Upvoty for 2.5 years now and it does the trick.
Shi Ling
3 reviews
We previously used Trello for our public roadmaps at UI-licious. But we needed a better system to allow our users to submit feedback, vote on issues, and a better way for us as the product owners to sort the user feedback by votes, organise suggestions by feature group, and notify users on the progress of feature development. Upvoty offers everything we needed, the UI is pretty simple, and the Intercom integration is a nice bonus point for us. There are some minor annoyances my team had with Upvoty. 1. Not being able to merge or link accounts that were registered via email and accounts that were registered using social media logins. 2. Another issue is the lack of support for markdown formatting for comments on a feature request, which is odd, given that markdown format is supported for the original post for the feature request. Seems like a simple enough feature enhancement request, and I've sent this feedback since the beginning of the 2022, but there is been no progress on this. I'm worried development for this product seem to have stalled. It's not bad overall, given it's current pricing which is pretty affordable for small businesses.
Dennis Nind
1 review
I wouldn't normally reach out to a review platform to leave negative feedback, however, I am finding it somewhat tedious having my messages ignored for a month straight. This is more so the case, given that the messages I have been sending to Upvoty have been to request cancellation of the service. Instead, the live chat widget on the chat has so far been ignored in my 3 separate messages sent spanning between now, and the 23rd April! I am unable to login to the Upvoty client area, as our custom URL no longer points to their solution. Basically, we have no way of accessing their interface to request cancellation, and we have direct messages being ignored, despite numerous, incredibly patient requests. Can you please refund the past 3 payments, as the service has not been in use. Dennis
Fajar Siddiq
193 reviews
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