Wisdom is perfect timing! My wife and I "The Dynamic Duo" was considering launching a podcast but we did not want it drifting in the YouTube ocean waiting for the right amount of followers to find it. Dayo Akinrinade is the modern-day innovator that allowed us to launch our podcast on a more intimate level that will have more impact on the audience willing to listen and apply the knowledge we are willing to share.
Dayo has tapped into a market that has been overlooked vastly and Wisdom is going to be that platform that we attract more and more people because they will feel more connected to the speaker. Wisdom allows for the exchange of applicable knowledge and is versatile and fluid to for the end-user. Dayo is a genius! At a time where this world needs to appreciate diversity, it is great to see someone of African descent produce a product that is positively beneficial for the encouragement of receiving and giving advice. Mentorship is important in self-leadership development and with Wisdom, Dayo has created a wonderful universe.