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Track and limit screen time
•10 reviews•

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What do people think of ZenScreen?

The community submitted 10 reviews to tell us what they like about ZenScreen, what ZenScreen can do better, and more.

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Agha Zain
•3 reviews

Disclosure: I do not work for ZenScreen, nor have I been incentivized for this review.

I have been using ZenScreen for a long time now as a volunteer tester (previously iOS, now Android and Chrome extension). I do not have kids (does my cat count?): I have primarily used it as a way to see my own device usage (apparently I use Reddit more at night than I do any other app combined on my phone during the whole weekday - 2nd close is either Spotify or GPM depending on the day).

I like the extra focus on simplicity in the app. Instead of telling me the top 20 apps I use daily, it focuses on the top few most-time-consuming ones. While I also use the Chrome extension (home & work), I realize I have more control over what I can do in my mobile usage than my laptop/desktop usage (which is a different topic).

I would love for some regular reports or syncing with other health trackers, or syncing with Google Fit & Apple Health somehow. For example, if in Sleep Cycle I note that I didn't sleep well, I would love to go back regularly and check if MyFitnessPal shows I ate junk food more during those days and if I was spending too much time during that week/time-frame.

I would also like for it to, optionally, alert me if I don't open the app for a few days. Sometimes I forget to check the usage for a few days in a row. Suggestions would be great also ("Hey Agha, you're on Reddit every night for 2 hours. How about reducing it to 90 minutes three times a week?").

Overall, I like the idea and the features so far. Looking forward to using this further going forward (please bring a native Win or Mac app).

Vijetha Dasari
•1 review

great solution for both parents and kids. it helped me self-discipline in screen usage especially Smart mornings feature. saved precious productive hours of the beginning of my day.

Daily time limit is a must have feature in managing 10-year old's entertainment apps and the best part is it covers his mobile, ipad and chrome on laptop usage.

no more hiding devices .. No Kidding !!!

Ankur Karer
•1 review

Excellent app. Easy to install, easy to configure, lots of options. While for the kids this is great to instill responsibility and make them aware of their screen time, but what was eye opening was analysis of my own usage after installing the chrome extension. I had no idea how much time is wasted on non-work related browsing during working hours. It also made it quite apparent for me I have a screen addiction especially first thing in the morning. Highly recommended.

Vijay Dasari
•1 review

Me obsessed with phone, zenscreen helps me keep an eye on the usage and most importantly keeps my mornings distraction free!!!

Manoj Gaddam
•1 review

Love the concept and the product. In this day & age, any tool that helps manage your and your kids' screen usage is absolutely necessary.

Jon G
•1 review

As a tech-savvy parent of digital munchkins, I jumped at the chance to join the Zenscreen early access program, and have been a happy user ever since.

I'm impressed with the visual design, and that I can see what my child is doing on their iPhone from my Android device, anywhere, not just on my home network. Plus it makes it easy to have a good conversation with them about what's acceptable use, and then monitor it, and enforce it when necessary.

That I can monitor my own activity and set healthy limits (that's enough, Facebook!) is a definite plus.

Amol Awasthi
•1 review

Keep it up guys!!

Bhanu Sharma
•1 review
•1 review
Kalyan Kanuri
•1 review
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