Kamran Ahmed

driver.js - Product tours, highlights, contextual help and more

Driver.js is a zero-dependency, lightweight, highly customizable, MIT Licensed, vanilla JavaScript engine that helps you drive user's focus on page. Comparing with other opensource alternaives, it's most feature-rich and is smallest in bundle size.

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Kamran Ahmed
Hey everyone! I launched the initial version of Driver.js around 5 years ago. With millions of downloads, it has been used by thousands of companies including some famous brands. I recently rewrote the rendering engine from the ground up using TypeScript. It uses a different approach for highlighting elements and so is more powerful and highly customizable. Here are some of the highlights of this release: - Rewritten in TypeScript. - Popover is much more intelligent in its placement - Supports async steps to allow more dynamic and interactive guides - Support for non-element steps (i.e. where you just want to show a popup on screen) - Ask for confirmation before exit - Support for scrollable elements - Allows showing progress during product tours - More customizable than ever with more hooks - Improved documentation with code samples for usage - Popover hooks allow you to have more control over the popover rendering - We have a brand new documentation website driverjs.com Driver.js continues to be light-weight — the gzipped size is 5kb while the alternative libraries start at 12kb gzipped size. This release has closed all the open-issues and will allow us to expand on the features further. Please do reach out if you have any feedback! 🙏