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Artyom Sviridov

Does listening to music helps you stay focused during the work?


I can safely say for myself: yes, it does (although only some specific genres). What about you? Which music do you prefer?

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Sam D.
Only if it has no lyrics :)
Serhii Romanov
Helps a lot;)
40 hz sound works the best for me đź’ˇ
Maria Hagsten
Yup, it's a great motivator for me. When I feel unmotivated, I know that popping on my headphones and finding a good tune can get me out of the rut. For design work, I can listen to anything, but if I'm working on writing or reading, I need it to be without lyrics.
Elena Tsemirava
It depends on the mood. But if I need extreme concentration then I need silence for this.
Jing Gu
Can't work without it! Right now I'm in a grime phase (not to be confused with Grimes)
Earlier I used to listen to this coding music it should help me focus because it was a gaming music and game music are supposed to help you focus and play games and they are addictive give it a try you will find the difference as well!
Dmytro Yakushen
For me, as a designer, it even helps me work better :)
Yes because it blocks all other noises that may be destracting.
Gwendolyn Alexander
It does the exact opposite
Emma Vega
It does but has to be soothing/gentle
Daniel Hunt
Only when it's blocking out other sounds! (like working in an busy public place or with lots of distractions around)
Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
Yes, absolutely! But only if the music is without lyrics.
Dave-Anthony Smith
I actually can't get much done without listening to music. It's become a habit, but then again I listen A LOT of music in general, so for me it works.
Wyatt Feaster
If it is like low fi or instrumental music!
Yavuz Tunc Emran
It does, instrumental or ambient music often works best for maintaining focus.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
No. I prefer working in silence.
Morgan Bowling
Yes! I will sometimes put on an album and listen to it from start to finish, and I set a goal for myself to focus for the entire duration of the album. Did this recently with a Death Grips album, which I know may not be everyone's work cup of tea, but if you want something to hype you up to get through afternoon slumps then 10/10 recommend.
Jad Sanaknaki
Headphones and music are core necessities to do my day to day job!
Carissa Jansen
Yes! We are listening to Eminem right now while pinging our communities. Also if you guys love an underdog story, please support Graphite today - we spent most of the day in #3 and are currently on track to overtake #1 :)