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for sexual health, hair loss, and skincare
214 reviews

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It’s not always easy to talk about your looks and health with your doctor. That’s why we created the Hims & Hers app. It’s the only personal wellness app that makes it easy—and affordable—to access prescriptions and products, and get the medical advice you need from real physicians. Especially about the topics that are just a little harder to discuss. If you know what we mean

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1.37/5 based on 214 reviews
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D Spicy
1 review
Customer "support" is absolute trash. They pushed back my current order without my knowledge and now I'm going to have to go an extra week without the product that they would gladly charge me for. Scam company, scam customer service. Use happy head or keeps instead. Cheaper and their customer service is actually worth a damn.
1 review
Good concept, poor execution. Slow shipping and highway robbery pricing. Immediately cancelled after the first shipment (too late to cancel after seeing slow shipping date) and I wish I didn't order in the first place. After I went to another provider for the same treatment, it was clear how much more Hims was ripping me off. Customer service couldn't return the shipment back to themselves to give me a refund. Should've done more research upfront. Hoping this helps someone else considering Hims. Disappointed and would not recommend.
Ibrahim Saleh
1 review
Hims products are a gimic and do not work. I've tried their products for over a year with no noticeable results. Their products only makes your hair grow faster but no new growth. Just longer hair. It's a waste of money. Falls ads and no returns. Once you subscribe, its almost a fight to cancel. They don't make it easy. Awful customer service. I will never use them again or recommend them to any one.
Annie  Jackson
1 review
Do not use this product! My 24-yr-old son used for 10 days. He almost committed suicide one night. He had all the side effects! All of them and they are continuing and he is getting hopeless. This is a young man who wanted to prevent hair loss and instead is jumping out of his skin. He has never ever had any anxiety or depression in his life. Went to the doctor today and the doc could not believe he was prescribed this and it was so easy to get! We are on day 7 of not taking it and he is struggling every minute. It has affected his hormones!!! Do not take it!!!!!!
Paul Seager
1 review
Terrible customer service. I needed to cancel my order due to issues I may have with the treatment and medication I currently take. I cancelled within 10 minutes and after 5 emails and several submissions on their contact page, I still haven't received a response. They're quick enough to take your money, but make it nigh on impossible to cancel or get a refund. There's no phone number, no live chat options. It's done on purpose so they can ship the product out and then deny you a refund under the banner of it being "prescription based" and therefore impossible to sell on after they've shipped the item. You can't even change your card details or close your account without emailing them. What company does that in the 21st century? It's set up that way to scam you. Stay well clear. Go to a more reputable source that actually values customer service.
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