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Alexandre Mouriec
Generate tailored FAQs, docs, blogs, and job boards with Notice AI in 30 seconds. Just input your website's URL or provide a prompt to get a ready-to-use blog. Plus, enjoy translation into over 100 languages with a single click. Create smarter. Deliver faster.
Notice AI
Create your custom blog, FAQ & doc in 30 seconds with AI
Alexandre Mouriec
Our virtual assistant helps your team to leverage the power of artificial intelligence combined with a taste of human relationships. It's familiar, yet groundbreaking as everything is generated from a unique learning model, attached to your Crisp Workspace.
MagicReply by Crisp
MagicReply by Crisp
Virtual assistant for customer service powered by AI
Alexandre Mouriec
Alexandre Mouriec
started a discussion

How are you using social media in your overall customer service strategy?

For example at Crisp, we hosted Twitter spaces in the past and chat often with customers on Twitter. We have a company account and also several members have personal Twitter accounts Some of the team members are also quite active on Linkedin
Alexandre Mouriec
Alexandre Mouriec
left a comment
I use Vercel and Netlify for my projects but prefer Vercel
Sneha Nair
Which hosting provider do you currently use for your web application?
Alexandre Mouriec
Alexandre Mouriec
started a discussion

Does anyone have advice on using Facebook / Instagram ads to promote local events?

I wanted to experiment with Facebook and Instagram ads to promote a local music event and don't have great results so I would like to know if anyone had successful experiences running these kind of campaigns :) It would be useful for our next big event 😉
Alexandre Mouriec
Alexandre Mouriec
left a comment
ChatGPT for now but I used GitHub Copilot in the past while coding
Elif Duran
Which AI tools do you use on a daily basis?